WebService Data Provider

WebService Data Provider

The WebService DataProvider that invokes a soap webservice using JAX-WS and returns the first org.w3c.dom.Element child of the body of the soap response.
Builds up the request based on the configuration of the DataControl in the DataControl.dcx.

The following parameters can be set on the Data Provider:


The endpoint-url of the WebService.


The URL Endpoint connection of the WebService.


The (optional) SOAPAction http request header.


The (optional) soapVersion (1.1 or 1.2). When not specified the more common 1.1 will be used.


Specifies an (optional) implementation of javax.xml.ws.handler.HandlerResolver which can be used to further customize the webservice request and/or response.


The SOAP Body Request Element for the WebService call. This is typically not a fixed XML snippet but will contain some Dynamic Parameters.


The (optional) SOAP Header Element for the WebService call.


Specifies a list of SoapHandlers.


The invocation-type (oneWay or Synchronous). When not specified the more common Synchronous will be used. 


Specifies the connect timeout in milliseconds or -1 to disable timeout and wait forever. This is the maximum time allowed to setup the network connection with the server being invoked. See Default Parameters on how to set a default value for this parameter for each web service data control in your project without having to explicitly set this for each data control.


Specify the total request timeout in milliseconds or -1 to disable timeout and wait forever. This is the maximum time allowed for the request to fully complete and respond with data. See Default Parameters on how to set a default value for this parameter for each web service data control in your project without having to explicitly set this for each data control.


Data Control
   <AdapterDataControl id="HrWSData" FactoryClass="oracle.adf.model.adapter.DataControlFactoryImpl"
                        ImplDef="org.adfemg.datacontrol.xml.DataControlDefinition" SupportsTransactions="false"
                        SupportsSortCollection="false" SupportsResetState="false" SupportsRangesize="false"
                        SupportsFindMode="false" SupportsUpdates="false"
                        Definition="org.adfemg.xmldc.demo.view.HrWSData" BeanClass="org.adfemg.xmldc.demo.view.HrWSData"
            <definition xmlns="http://adfemg.org/adfm/datacontrol/configuration"
                        schema="http://xmldc-sample.appspot.com/HR.xsd" schema-root="DepartmentEmployeesResponse"
                    <data-provider class="org.adfemg.datacontrol.xml.provider.data.WSDataProvider">
                            <parameter name="endPointUrl"
                            <xml-parameter name="requestElement">
                               <hr:DepartmentEmployeesRequest xmlns:hr="http://adfemg.org/HR">
                            <dynamic-parameter name="deptId" java-type="java.lang.Long"/>






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